The Power of Your Words

Namaste All,

Last week, we talked about the power of the sound of your voice and how it connects you to the divine song of the universe.  Whether it was singing, speaking, rapping, sighing moaning, humming or even some guttural utterance.   There is power that comes from the use of your voice and sounds that come from it.

This week we’re going to speak about the Power of the Words that you use. 

I came across the following quote:

“Some people speak like animals; their words have no meaning.  They chatter day and night like frogs in a well.   People have their own ways of talking, and they are all different.  You should think carefully before you speak. Words should be uttered with great discrimination.”

~ Sundardas

One key to achieving Spiritual awareness is to be intentional and careful about the words we use.   Words can be considered the currency by which thoughts take form in our minds, and are expressed outwardly.

Think of yourself as a composer, choosing your words as though you are selecting the notes, and chords that will make up the melody and soundtrack of your life.   The creative power of your thoughts and words along with all the thoughts and words included in the universal divine flow help to create the grand symphony of our collective lives.

Most of today’s social, education and political systems don’t really emphasize how important words are in creating our lives and our world.  These days, our politicians weave words together for two reasons :

  • To sow seeds of fear and mistrust that only they can protect us from or
  • To confuse us with non-sequitur speech, what is commonly known as “the pivot” instead of having honest dialogue about the things that are important to us.

The success of this kind of word play in the political arena is causing this kind of non-sequitur speech to creep into all areas of discourse in our lives.  This is having very real and unintentional consequences of creating a world of fear, mistrust and confusion. 

Anyone who truly understood the power of words would be more careful to avoid such reckless and repetitive use of such negative, confusing and self-destructive speech.  With repetition, our words become more powerful and more engrained in our consciousness, of those who are receiving our words, and even in the collective consciousness of the entire world.  Words are powerful currencies that deserve great care, respect, and use.

We program ourselves with the words we speak.  Whether consciously or unconsciously.  If you have a habit of saying that people or situations make you sick, then don’t be surprised if that becomes manifested in your life.

It reminds me of the scripture, Matthew 15:11

“For what goes into your mouth will not defile you; but what comes out of your mouth that is what will defile you.”

Many ancient cultures, spiritual traditions and world philosophies assert that the entire world as we know it is created by words.  Words have power.  Therefore, we must respect this awesome power, and attend to how you are spending the currency of your words with at least as much cares as you watch your financial spending.

Many ancient cultures, spiritual traditions and world philosophies assert that the entire world as we know it is created by words.  Words have power.  Therefore, we must respect this awesome power, and attend to how you are spending the currency of your words with at least as much cares as you watch your financial spending.

The following are several tips to help us be more mindful of thoughts, ideas, and desires that we give voice to.

1.       Take time to become very clear about the world you wish to create for yourself.  That which you think about and dream about, you speak about.  It is not enough to know what you don’t want, because then you will be speaking about and lending power to what you do not wish to manifest into your life.   If you know what you want and focus on what you want, then you will use your God given power to call forth the life you desire for yourself and the world.

2.       Develop a vocabulary for your life. Find positive and constructive words that you can use in place of the negative self-talk that we consciously and unconsciously engage in.  For example, someone told me the other day that they will no longer say that they are going to or wanting to “lose weight” because they do not intend to find it again.D Not to mention there is nothing lost in divine Mind.   They replaced that phrase with “they are releasing the weight.”  It is only a change in one word, from losing to releasing.  But it makes so much difference in the energy that you bring to that topic.   Find words that will constantly infuse positive vibrations of love, happiness compassion and kindness into your life.

3.       Create a mantra, slogan, motto or affirmation for your life.  A phrase that will be easy for you to remember that you can you say that will raise your frequency and vibration.  A phrase that will dissolve the darkness and bring life into any situation or circumstance you are in.  A phrase that brings you back to this present moment and the abundance, prosperity and love that is always available to you.  A phrase that brings you back into alignment with your highest and best self.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I AM Intentional about the Words I use to Create My Life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Photo by Alexandra on Unsplash

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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