Do You Have the Courage? Living A Life of Intention

Namaste and Good Day All. 

Yesterday I did a Journey in Truth lesson at Living Truth 365 entitled. “Do you Have the Courage? Living A Life of Intention.” The focus of my talk was finding the courage to get unstuck to live the life you want to live.

We often get stuck because of the negative thoughts/emotions, limiting beliefs and error thinking that we have inherit. These thoughts, emotions and beliefs come from the societies we live in, families we’ve grown up in and experiences we have had.

These negative ideas and stories that have been told to us or that we have told ourselves get internalized and ingrained into our belief systems. Which in turn informs our thoughts, words and actions today.

The problem is that those old worn out thoughts, ideas, and emotions are not serving us well today. We are holding on to those stories from the past. We are trying to enjoy a present and prepare a future on thoughts and ideas that don’t fit the person we are now and have never served the true and authentic person that we have always been. And we wonder why we get stuck.

I told the story of how I got stuck developing this blog. It took over a year for me to develop and launch this blog because of some limiting beliefs that I still had to overcome. I also so shared what I did to become unstuck.

Develop a Good Support System – It is important to have a network of trusted, like-minded people to support you in different ways. Cheerleaders – the ones that believe in you and your dreams, who are always in your corner and are there to cheer you on every step of the way. Mentors – the wise supporters that can give you the wise advise and call you out when you are falling back into those negative thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. Accountability partners – the ones that hold you accountable with what you say you are going to do.

Live in the NOW – Buying into the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs means you are living in the past. You cannot possibly be successful and move forward with your life if you are basing your decisions and actions on what has happened in the past. It no longer exists. Each and every NOW moment is pregnant with all possibility. And it is only what you do in the NOW that will determine the abundance and prosperity of your future.

Be Grateful – Gratitude is a State of Being. When you live with an attitude of gratitude, it allows you to see life from a more positive perspective. It allows you to appreciate the lessons learned, and the experiences had. An attitude of gratitude increases you energy signature, your frequency and vibration, which will allow you to attract all that is for your highest and greatest good.

Move – Movement is the catalyst for change. It takes the potential energy of all the divine ideas that have come to you from Spirit and changes it to the kinetic energy that moves through you to manifestation.

These are just a few things that I used to get unstuck to have the courage to launch this blog and live a life of intention.

Do you have the Courage to Live a Life of Intention? Click here to see the entire Journey in Truth lesson.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I AM fearlessly in pursuit of what sets my soul on fire!”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash

Happy Presidents Day!!

In honor of President’s day, I decided to some research on Abraham Lincoln. Not only was he one of the countries most beloved and respect presidents, I found out that he was also a Truth Student. Here, a few quotes as evidence to prove my case.

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

In this quote, Abraham Lincoln uses one of the fundamental principles of Truth. Our ability to manifest the life we desire starts with the thoughts that we think. If we focus our minds on those things that make us happy, on what makes us feel good, then we will change the frequency and vibration of the things that we attract into our lives. Positive thinking alone will not create a happy life, but it will foster an inner mental environment which will allow us to see the lesson, growth, and joy in every experience.

“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

This quote reminds us that as Truth students we are responsible for own lives. Regardless of the situation we were born into, or the challenges we may have faced, it is up to us to live our best lives. We cannot rest on the laurels of our ancestors or blame the choices of our parents. It is only what we decide to do that creates forward momentum. It is only what we declare for ourselves that will shift the frequency and vibration of lives. And it is only our own actions that will allow us to grow into the best expression of ourselves.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

In this quote, Abraham Lincoln reminds us that we are spiritual beings of free will that have the ability to fashion the world we want to live in. We are always connected to the abundance and prosperity of the universe. And when our thoughts, words, and actions are in alignment with that which is for our highest and greatest good, we can manifest the life we want to lead, the future we want to have, and the impact we want to make on the world.

These and many other quotes show that the 16th president of the United States was definitely a student of truth.

Today’s Affirmation is:

I AM responsible for Manifesting my Best Life.

~Rev. Drea

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash