Flexibility in these Challenging Times

Namaste All!

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is quoted as saying, “The only constant in life is change.” In these challenging times it feels like things are changing faster than we can keep up with, it’s vital that we learn how to remain open, curious, and flexible in all facets of life.

Merriam-Webster says flexibility is “characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements.” Flexibility is a virtue.

Consider the following four ways you can look at flexibility, so that you can practice embracing it on every level of your being.

Emotional Flexibility is the ability to recognize, release, and regulate your emotions in changing situations.

Here are a couple of ways to increase your emotional flexibility:

Feel your Feelings. John Bradshaw said, “We cannot heal what we cannot feel.” When you feel your emotions, they pass, when you suppress them, they linger.  You know the saying: “What you resist, persists.”

Express your Feelings. Sometimes therapy is necessary to express your emotions, and sometimes writing in a journal or allowing yourself to have a good cry can do a lot to free up emotional blockages. Let the feelings flow and you’ll feel the benefits in your personal and interpersonal lives.

Energetic Flexibility is the frequency and vibration that you operate at can affect how flexible you can be in all areas of your life.

Here are a couple of ways to increase your energetic flexibility:

Connect to the Water Element.  By connecting to the water element, you can draw upon nature for inspiration by inviting more fluidity into your life. Water is flexible, but it’s powerful. Take a cleansing bath, listen to the sounds of water, or do a water meditation to feel its energetic effects. Like Bruce Lee says:

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash.  Be like Water My Friend.”

Do Something Fun.  Getting creative about how you spending this time is also a good sign of flexibility. In other words, try something new!  Take up a new hobby, call some friends or family members you’ve meaning to talk to.   Find some funny movies and shows to watch.    Break out some card games, board games or online games that you can play with your family in the house or ones you can connect with online.

Mental Flexibility – the ability to quickly adjust your thinking from one situation to the next. Something we must be able to do in these challenging times.

Here’s how you can increase your mental flexibility:

Open-Mindedness. In these times we all need to be mentally flexible and creative to find new ways of problem-solving and living and working together.  There is anecdotal evidence that many entrepreneurs and businesses have been created and thrive during times of crisis and upheaval.  Stay open to the Divine ideas that are always flowing to and through you.  You never know, you may become the next Famous Amos or Marie Calendar.

Have Faith. Letting go of ego-based logic in some cases can also help you to take action. When you trust that there is something bigger at work – the Universe, Divine mind, Universal intelligence, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Spirit, God, the collective human consciousness or whatever you would like to call it, you avoid devastation when things don’t go exactly as planned. Logic can only get you so far. Faith in divine interplay can open you up to greater and more meaningful understanding of these life experiences.

Physical Flexibility is the final piece to the Spirit, Mind, Body connection.  We cannot practice flexibility in other areas and neglect our body temples.

Here’s how you can increase your physical flexibility:

Practice the Free Flow of Movement.  Allow your body to move—whether you are walking, stretching, dancing, doing Tai Chi, biking, or doing yoga.  Stay flexible and keep your body ready for when this time of forced stillness is over.  We will all need to be ready to kick start, renew, re-energize, revitalize, reform and most likely adapt to a new way of life.

It is important to be flexible in these challenging and changing time.  Because it is man’s ability mental, emotional, spiritual and physical ability to adapt that will help us come out on the other side of this crisis.  As a better, stronger, and more loving world.

Today’s affirmation is as follows:

I AM as Flexible as the Grace and Power of Water.

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash

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