An Attitude Adjustment for these challenging times.

Namaste All. I am Rev. Drea your Spiritual Chiropractor here to bring you a very special Attitude Adjustment. 

I read two disturbing articles this week. The first was a series of stories about people fighting in stores over toilet tissue. In one case, a woman slapped another woman. In another case someone ended up in the hospital and still other people went to blows and were given citations for inappropriate behavior.

The second story was about a man in Tennessee that went on a 1300- mile road trip around Tennessee and Kentucky and purchased hoarded 18,000 hand sanitizers, masks and wipes. He then turned around and sold 300 of the sanitizers online at a huge mark-up of anywhere from $8 to $70 before Amazon has removed their listing due to price gouging. He is now under investigation by the Tennessee Attorney General.

After reading these stories, I am here to conduct and Attitude adjustment for our community, our country and our world. There has been a paradigm shift in our society that has led to a misalignment. Some of us in our global community have forgotten our humanity and the most important commandment in the Bible.

In Luke 10:27, Jesus instructs us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is imperative that we do not allow this paradigm shift to alter who we fundamentally are as unique individuated expressions of God. As spiritual beings of love. And as human beings of decency. We should not be fighting with each other over material things. Especially, not things as basic as toilet paper, when we already all have a common enemy. And I do not mean the COVID 19 virus. I mean fear. Yesterday, New York City Mayor, Andrew Cuomo, expressed that fear not the virus is our biggest and most concerning infection.

Remember fear is the absence of love. The Love of self, love community and love of those less fortunate than us. In Matthew 25:40-45, it says ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’

In Love, we will only take what we know we need and not what we fear we will need. In Love, we will remember that our fellow man is also in need of these items. In Love we will remember that we are one, As Rev Sharon says, “one in love, on in Truth and one in God.” In the end, if we do not help our fellow man in crisis like these then we are truly only hurting ourselves in the long run.

Exodus chapter 16 it speaks of the time that people had been led out of Egypt and were in the desert and were hungry and discontent after 15 days, grumbling about food. And the Lord said “I am going to rain manna from heaven for you.  The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.” Most did as they were told. Some tried to hoard some for the next day and by morning the supply was spoiled and filled with maggots. In this story, some in the community believed in lack and limitation, instead of the truth that there is always enough for all.

In every story I shared in the beginning the lack of humanity led to injury, arrest, even death threats. Outcomes not wanted and consequences yet to be fully realized.

The truth is that there is always unlimited abundance and prosperity. In every paradigm shift, we can do three things to resist fear, express love and remember our connection with the abundance and prosperity of the universe.

First, we must listen to the wisdom of our foundational principles to ground us in Truth: There is only one presence and power in the universe, we are one with that power. As such we are one with all there is, and all that we desire, need and want we are already in alignment with. So if we are grateful for what we do have, and know that if we stay open to Truth and Love we will route out fear and attract all the “manna from heaven.”

Second, we must use the spiritual laws to govern our thoughts and feelings. Remember that it is our thoughts that create the hell or heaven that we experience for every situation or circumstance that we face. Don’t forget that if we are grateful and thankful for what we do have, and are honest and clear-headed about we do need, want or desire, the supply will be there. And be open to how that supply comes. Remember expectancy not expectation. We have no idea how the universe will conspire to bring you what you need, but if you are open to and expectancy of good. Then, you will be sure to recognize the good when it comes.

And Third, we must employ the 7 Habits of highly effective people to help to order our steps. Habit #4 is Think Win/Win. Covey says “Win/win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win/win means that agreements are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. With a Win/Win solution all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.”

The stories I shared earlier were about some negative paradigm shifts due to coronavirus. But for every negative shift, there are many more positive paradigm shifts that have resulted in Win/Win behavior. There is a distillery in GA that has chosen to stop making Spirits and to instead make hand sanitizers to give away. FEMA even approached them to buy the sanitizers from them for their use. And the distillery declined because they are going to make it and distribute them for free.

Celebrity chef Jose Andres saw an opportunity for a win/win. Instead of closing his DC and NY restaurants and having to lay off workers. Jose Andres turned his restaurants into community kitchens to employ his workers and provide food for those who will need it.

Even the gentleman who hoarded the sanitizers has since donated the majority of them to communities in Tennessee and Kentucky.

There are many stories of Win/Win scenarios that we can see as examples of how we can make a positive paradigm shift.

If we do just those things, listen to the wisdom of our foundational principles, use the spiritual laws to govern our thoughts and feelings, and employ the 7 Habits of highly effective people to help to order our steps. We will replace fear with love. Attract the abundance of Divine ideas and the prosperity of solutions to combat this situation. And come out on the other side with our humanity intact.


Today’s Affirmation is:

“I Employ Wisdom, Love and Right Action to create a Positive Paradigm Shift Today.”

~ Rev. Drea

  • Photo by Bluehouse Skis on Unsplash
  • Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
  • Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

March Worm Super Moon

Namaste All,

I am Rev Drea your Spiritual Chiropractor, welcome to the March Worm Moon.

This past Monday was the March Worm Moon Super moon.  The March full moon gets its name from Native Americans. The meaning of why it’s dubbed the “worm moon,” according to the Farmer’s Almanac, is “At the time of this Moon, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds — a true sign of spring. Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a rebirth as it awakens from its winter slumber.” The worm moon on March 1 welcomes the return of spring.

Full moons in general carry spiritual significance. It’s a time to flush things out of your system as a lunar cycle completes itself. Along with the moonbeams comes an illumination of energy. And it’s all for you to harness and produce something positive out of it. Focus on what’s holding you back from achieving your goals and meditate on how to let go or get over those hurdles.

As we head towards Spring’s arrival on the 19th of March, you will feel a lot of shifting energy around you as the energy of new beginnings rises up to greet us. The radiant full moon can be the spiritual night light we need for our souls. The worm moon is no exception.

This Worm moon is also a Super moon, which is a powerful time for meditation, self-reflection, healing and recharging.  As the earth begins to regenerate, so do we. Let those spiritual icicles melt and nourish the soil of your soul, so a new you can bloom.

Spring is also known to re-energize us to clean everything.  It is to no surprise then that the full worm moon also inspires this energy in us. It’s time to clean up more than our closet. Freshen up your attitude towards life. Spiffy up that vision board. As spiritual advisor Cherokee Billie reported, “trust that this is a good time of reflection and revising your journey in life. In the grand flow of life, these inward moving energies are conducive for fine tuning and helping to bring greater clarity, awareness, and focus.” It’s the perfect time to do a little spiritual fine tuning or Spiritual Spring cleaning.

Here are some things we can do to take advantage of the energy of this Worm Super moon and get us ready for the Spring equinox that will take place on March 19, 2020.

Mental Spring Cleaning/Emotional Spring Cleaning – We often lose momentum with the goals we have in our lives because we get stuck with the expectations that we have around them.   We have ideas about how these goals are to unfold, when it is going to happen and how the journey is supposed to look.  We must be willing to clean out these worn out ideas and feelings about how things are supposed to happen and be open unlimited possibilities of how your good can manifest.  What nature reminds us is that it is not about expectations, but of expectancy.   There are no two snowflakes that are alike, but we know that snow will fall.   Don’t be too rigid in the planning and execution of your goals.  Rather be focused on the frequency and vibration of achieving the goal. Capitalize on the momentum and the positive energy of the forward progress.  And you will be surprised and how the universe will conspire to help you manifest the desires of your heart

Financial Spring Cleaning – We are coming to the close of the first quarter of this 2020.  This is the time to review and reassess the financial budgets that you have created for yourself.  What kind of saving you have done this far and how you can tweak your finances in order to successfully reach your financial goals for this year.  Perhaps, we have gotten a raise, or added and extra bill like a new car.  Or have had some setbacks like some medical bills.   Spring reminds us that we must be flexible enough to adapt our plans and the tools we use to the ever-changing dynamics of this life.  And as we prune the dead leaves of budget that may no longer serve us, we make room for a more robust growth in our financial future.

Relational Spring Cleanings – There are people and relationships that we have been holding on to because we have become accustomed to those people being in our lives.  Even though they may be energy vampires to us.   We make keep them in our lives because we feel we can change them.   Or, for some reason we become martyrs somehow believing that we are responsible for them.   The Truth is that those relationships are unhealthy and being ruled not by friendship and love but by ego.  We must review and revise our view of these co-dependent relationships.  Allow yourself the space stand on your truth, and they will either evolve in relation to you or remove themselves from your life.  In either case, you have made room for the blooming of more healthy and supportive relationships to come.

Spiritual Spring Cleaning – Finally use the spiritual laws, the habits of success and the foundational principles of truth as your spiritual cleaning tools.  Your mops, brooms and cleaning clothes, to clear of the cobwebs of old outdated thoughts and ideas and make way for the newness of life.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I use my Spiritual cleansing tools to embrace the newness and nowness of life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Strengthening your alignment with Spirit- Mind Body, and Soul

Namaste All! I am Rev. Drea, your Spiritual Chiropractor, and March is represented by the Spiritual faculty of Strength. So, I want to speak with you about how you can use this faculty to strengthen your alignment with Spirit.

Strength is the confidence and fortitude to take the next step. In II Corinthians, Chapter 5, we read, “I walk by faith not by sight”. In life, when you are presented with a challenge that makes you want to crawl under a blanket, it is the faculty of strength that gives you the ability to open up to divine guidance and move forward, one step at a time.

This strength is the ability to hang on when you are just beginning on the path and you want to shrink away and turn back because it looks too difficult. It is the quality of endurance, which keeps you from sinking when you find yourself out in the middle too far away to turn back, yet feeling weary and unable to see how you can complete the rest of the journey.

Finally, Strength keeps you centered and on point when you see what you think is the end in sight. It keeps you from rushing headlong into the mirage.

Being lifted in Divine Strength is like being on a ropes course, a tree-top experience, where you find you are climbing above your fears and balancing beyond your reach.  Life gives us daily opportunities to exercise our Spiritual faculty of Strength.

Some opportunities ask us to do the next thing when we think we can’t. Some ask us to keep our mouth shut when we want to complain or get into someone else’s business. Some opportunities ask us to say no when we think we should say yes, and vice versa. We are never alone in any state of weakness.

Divine strength accompanies us in thought, word, and deed. As scripture says in Matthew 24:22 “Be ye also ready” we must prepare ourselves for the way strength will manifest in our lives. Here are some ways to engage with your faculty of strength as you align with Spirit.

1. Become still. William Warch in his book How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God tells us “One of the wonderful ways strength manifests itself in your consciousness is in the form of patience. Patience is calm, uncomplaining endurance. It is persistent courage. Whenever you need to be courageous in a situation, all you need to do is become still.” As you still your thoughts, your actions, that stillness will allow you to acknowledge alignment with Spirit in the situation. You will gain clarity of the situation and an understanding of what the next right move is for the circumstance that you face.

2. Create Balance in your life. A well-balanced person is truly strong. If someone pushes you but you have both your feet firmly planted and grounded in Truth, you are strong. So strive for balance in all aspects of your life. Thought and feelings, work and rest/play, intellect and intuition, giving and receiving. This will truly strengthen your alignment with Spirit.

3. Know your Why. Go back to the Intention you set at the beginning of the year and reflect on why you chose it. Knowing why can give a great strength of purpose. As you experience life, you make better decisions if you have clarity about our intention. If you enter into any situation without knowing your why, that is when you can be tossed to and fro by the circumstances of life, instead of standing firm in the truth of who you are. Setting and living a life of intention and understanding your why will help you honor your alignment with Spirit regardless of the circumstance.

Take time to be still, create balance in your life and get to know your why, what wakes you up in the morning. These things will help you to grow stronger in mind, body and spirit and will in turn strengthen your alignment with the Universal Divine Flow of life and all that it has for you.

Today’s affirmation is:

“I acknowledge, honor and strengthen my alignment with the Universal Divine Flow of Life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse

Friday, January 10, 2020 will be the first full moon after the new year, known as the “Wolf Moon”. As we have discussed, many times, before a full moon is a powerful time in which our emotions are brought to the surface for serious self-examination. This full moon will bring light to those dark places of our soul that we have conveniently hidden. We now have the opportunity to use our 2020 Spiritual vision to see what the Truth is for your vibrational frequency and alignment with the universe.

This is a special full moon. Not only is it the first full moon of the year, but we will also be experiencing a lunar eclipse. The first of four that will be occurring in 2020. That means that January 2020 is a power month that is all about recognizing, honoring and revealing your 2020 Spiritual Vision. This full moon will be filled with emotionally charged energy. Energy that will also help us look at the relational energies that we have allowed into our lives.

Take this time to gain clarity about your acquaintances, familial relationships, work relationships, and spiritual relationships. Recognize that you have the choice on how these relationships will or will not play a part in your life. Are these relationships energy vampires or are they supportive, encouraging and inspiring?

During a lunar eclipse, the veil between worlds is very thin to allow the energies of the universe to help release and make way for forward momentum and a greater expansion and awareness of conscious. We will all experience this energy differently, but we will experience it.

As the lunar eclipse helps you release, it is a great time to fill that void by setting your intentions and goals for 2020 and the decade beyond. I encourage you to take the next 28 days to sit with this Divine energy of the Full Wolf Moon Lunar eclipse and do the following:

  • Define the core values that will govern your life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Establish your intentions on how you plan to show up for yourself and for others. And finally,
  • Set your goals, for what you want to accomplish, which are in alignment with your core values and your intentions.

Once you do this work. You will gain the clarity and focus through your 2020 Spiritual Vision to move through any experience, whether simple or challenging, easily and effortlessly with grace.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I Use my 2020 Spiritual Vision to experience life, easily and effortlessly with grace.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Muhammad Ali…A Truth Student

Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a broadcast of a wonderful story of Spiritual Alignment. This is your Truth reporter Rev. Drea reporting from station WTRUTH. Now here is today’s headline:

Muhammad Ali is a truth student. Yes, folks, you heard it here first. Muhammad Ali is a truth student.

Sources have revealed several quotes from Mr. Ali that is undeniable evidence that this headline is true.

The first piece of evidence we have is the following quote from Mr. Ali:

There it is folks a quote about the Spiritual Faculty of Imagination. And Mr. Ali is right on target. As truth students, we know that Imagination is that spiritual faculty that helps us to create the life we want. One of the leading experts in the field of Imagination, Mr. Neville Goddard shared the following information: “…to manifest that which you desire you must see it them from the end. “

What does that mean? It means you have to imagine yourself already having that thing. So for example if it is a car you want, imagine how smooth the ride would be, listen to how the engine would purr, feel that comfy leather seat, smell that new car smell. Fully immerse yourself in the imagination of the experience of already having that car. Thanks to the imagination of the Wright brothers, we all have wings to fly. Muhammad Ali was brilliant at this. He eloquently declared his victory with poetic prose that helped us all to vividly out picture his wins. To watch the prediction of his win over Floyd Patterson, please click here.

The Second piece of evidence is this quote by Mr. Ali and it is a biggie:

Now, that quote is in spiritual alignment with one of the fundamental principles of New thought; the one that specifically talks about the Divinity of Humankind. We are made in the image and according to the likeness of Spirit. In essence as Spirit can create so can we create through our thoughts, words and imagination. As spiritual beings having this human experience we have the right and responsibility to become the best, and most expanded version of ourselves. And that is different for everybody, because we are all unique, individualized expressions of Spirit. As the quote indicates, Muhammad Ali was a master at this. He understood the Truth of his Divinity which allowed him to become one of our most beloved public figures.

The third and I think the greatest evidence of Muhammad Ali being a truth student is the use of the Spiritual Faculty of Power. He was a self-proclaimed big mouth and was not afraid to use his voice to declare his Truth. Whether it was the use of poetic prose to call forth victories, articulating his convictions in his stance against inequality and injustice of war, or declaring his right to worship Spirit as he saw fit. Muhammad Ali never forgot the power he had in the root of the tongue.   

This is most evident in the affirmation he always said: 

Well, there you have it folks this is Rev. Drea your Truth Reporter for station WTRUTH with another wonderful story of Spiritual Alignment brought to you from Source.

Today’s Affirmation is:

I AM the Greatest Expression of my Authentic Self.

~ Rev. Drea

To see a video of this blog please click here.

Wisdom of the Heart

In the book, The Revealing Word, Charles Fillmore says: “The heart, however, is but the visible expression of the invisible center of consciousness. It is the center from which the divine substance is poured forth.”

The Divine substance that pours forth is the Wisdom of the Heart. The Wisdom of the heart surpasses all understanding. You can have several PhDs, be a Rhodes scholar with an IQ of 140 and all that knowledge that you have accumulated could not begin to equal the Wisdom and understanding of the Heart.

Your brain is a tool to interpret all the signals that it is receiving from its internal and external environment. The brain uses your experiences, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions to interpret these signals. Often, those experiences no longer apply to you, the beliefs you have may be limiting and the perceptions are from your ego. And yet, you are allowing your brain to tell you how you should feel and what you should do about any situation, circumstance, or person.

Your brain is a tool, just like a hammer. Can a hammer tell you how to build a house? Then, why would you let your brain tell you how to build your life? Your heart on the other hand has a deep inner knowing that comes from Divine Mind; a knowingness that does not require thought, consultation, or examination. It only requires that you be open and receptive to it and surrendering to Truth. When you combine the clarity of your Spiritual intuition with the wisdom of the heart. You are then able to discern what is the highest and best for you in any situation.

man standing in front Asus laptop

We know from scientific research that your heart is an electromagnetic organ that is made up of primarily neural cells that store memory and knowledge, that significantly affects how we view the world.

white abstract lights

The energy field of your heart extends outside your physical body and is many times more powerful than the brain. An example of how this energy shows up in your life, is when you meet someone for the first time and immediately experience a connection or dissonance with them.

The ego attaches itself to sense consciousness, it builds an image of man that is not of Truth, but rather based in fear, uncertainty and unfulfilled expectations. When you don’t want to put yourself out there for fear of being let down and you think your heart has been hurt in the past, what was really being hurt was the ego; the false narrative, limiting beliefs, and unreasonable expectations of the ego; the ego that is based on the illusion of you being separate and apart from all there is. What is hurt is the ego which needs you to believe the illusion to survive; the ego that makes you feel like your heart needs to be protected.

Your heart doesn’t need to be protected. Your heart is here to protect you. You see with the spiritual intuition and the inner knowing of the heart, you can discern between truth and illusion, jealousy and love, your ego and your authentic self. Your heart senses any unusual shifts in the universal divine flow of life before your brain can.

Science has been able to measure the collective feeling of sadness and loss felt by the world when there are tragic and catastrophic events of loss of life. Your heart can feel these events even if they happen halfway across the globe before you ever hear about it on the news. Conversely, scientists have also been able to measure the collective feelings of joy, happiness, and excitement at events like a royal wedding, or saving lives after challenging events.

Your heart has a wisdom that does not need to be justified, thought about, or questioned. It has an intelligence based on the inner knowing that comes directly from Divine mind. And once you learn to get rid of the mind chatter and external distractions and tap into the Wisdom of the heart. And Trust that wisdom you will find that your heart has been the one protecting you all this time. IT reminds me of the quote from Rumi, “Your heart knows the way, run in that direction.”

Take time to meditate. It will help you reduce the distractions of the outer world and the mind chatter of the brain. It will also allow you to get to know the voice of your heart. One you do that, being open and receptive to giving and receiving love will become natural. trusting the guidance and wisdom of your heart will become easy. And life will be all the more beautiful.

Today’s affirmation:

“I Trust in the Wisdom and Guidance of My Heart.”

~Rev. Drea

To see a video of this Daily Dose of Truth, click here.

Spring 2019 Meditation Challenge – Week 3

Namaste and Good Day All,

We are in the home stretch. This is the final week of the Oprah and Deepak Meditation Experience and the final week of our Spring Meditation Challenge. I applaud you all for completing the first two weeks of this challenge and encourage you to hang in there for this final week of meditation.

Yours In Truth,

~ Rev. Drea

The Wisdom of Grieving

Earlier this week, my Uncle made his transition. His name was Lionel Augustus Pitts, but he was affectionately known as Uncle Bian. And since this is the month of wisdom, I thought I would speak with you about the Wisdom of Grieving.

In New Thought, our view on death varies from the traditional view of death. We believe that life is eternal. We believe that there is a physical death that occurs. When the soul, the individuated expression of Spirit, no longer has use for the physical body. It will shed the body and move on, whether it is to another body, another plane of existence or back to the Divine source of life. We call it life after life. Every soul has a unique energy signature. And that energy signature will always exist. This is not only the belief of New Thought and many other religious and Spiritual traditions. 

This is a scientific fact. Science has proven that everything is pure energy including man. The law of conservation of energy states, that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only changed from one form into another or transferred from one object to another.

In the past, four years, I have had 4 uncles and one brother transition, beyond other friends and family members. This perspective or view of death has brought a measure of comfort to me as family and friends have transitioned. So, the question is. If we believe that life is eternal, and the soul of a person never dies, why do we grieve? Or better yet what is the purpose of grieving?

We grieve because we are mourning the loss of the physical representation of the soul. When the frequency and vibration of the soul becomes focused and concentrated, it manifests physically as a body. The purpose or process of grieving helps us to make sense of this loss mentally, emotionally and physically.

Mentally, when you experience the loss of a friend or family member, your brain will sense that an energetic shift has occurred in your environment. Remember the focused and concentrated energy that was that physical representation of that person has now dissipated back into the universal divine source of energy. In trying to deal with this shift in energy, the brain will produce a flood of neurochemicals and hormones. This flood can cause a disruption in the normal flow of hormones which can result in symptoms, such as disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, fatigue, and anxiety.

When those symptoms converge, your brain function takes a hit. After all, if you’re overwhelmed, it stands to reason that you won’t absorb your environment the same way you would when you are content.

Emotionally, every relationship that we have is a mirror. A mirror designed to show us the perceptions that we have of ourselves, and the perspective we have on life. These mirrors are often tied to our emotions such as fear, guilt, anxiety, self- worth. When we lose those mirrors not by choice but by death, we sometimes lose perspective and in turn lose the ability for self-examination and introspection. And until we can re-establish another mirror or realize that we no longer need that mirror, life can be very unsettling.   

Physically, every person has their own energy signature. Remember the body temple is a concentration of focused energy, frequency, and vibration. Every relationship that we have creates a co-mingling of energy signatures. Whether we deem those energy signatures to be good or bad, beneficial or non-beneficial, we have become accustomed to them or even comforted by them. When that body dies and the energy signature is disbursed back into the Universal Divine Energy. Your body is affected often moving into what is known as fight-or-flight mode because that which you have been accustomed to or that energy signature that has comforted you is no longer there. Your body’s, sympathetic nervous system will begin to produce stress hormones. Prolonged exposure these stress hormones can cause harmful physical symptoms such as headaches, lowered immunity, insomnia, digestive problems, aches, pains etc. that can lead to long term dis-eases if not dealt with.

These mental, emotional and physical symptoms of loss are the reason we need to employ the wisdom of grieving. There are generally five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. There is no correct order or time frame for each stage of grief, neither is it necessary that you will go through any or all stages. But being open to experiencing them will help you better deal with and move through the mental, emotional and physical symptoms that you may experience after the loss of a loved-one.

Employing the wisdom of the grieving process means acknowledging your pain. Suppressing your pain and not acknowledging the hurt can cause your brain to misinterpret what is going on in your environment and send the wrong signals and instruction to your body about what to do to return to balance. This only prolongs the grief and can create unexpected mental dis-eases. Trust that your brain can and will function best when it has access to truth what is going on.

Accept that many different and unexpected emotions can and will be triggered as you move through the grieving process. Recognizing that you’ve lost, must re-establish or finally give up the mirror provided by that relationship will help you to move through the grieving process with less conflict with others and more importantly less conflict with yourself.

Finally, you must move. Sometimes, we get stuck in this uncomfortable frequency and vibration created by the loss of a loved- one. Exercising is a way to shift your frequency and vibration until you can find a new balance in the universal divine flow of life. Exercising also helps to kick in the parasympathetic nervous system that helps bring your body back to homeostasis and balance after it has been flooded with all the stress hormones. Remember, we are all made up of energy and energy is not meant to be stagnant. Whether its yoga, walking, gardening, or swimming, continue to move, and you will find yourself back in the Universal Divine Flow of Life.

This Daily Dose is dedicated to uncle Bernard, Uncle George, Uncle Ned, Uncle Bian, my brother Mark and all my other family members and friends who have shared this world with me as beautiful, unique individual expression of Spirit. I love you all.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I Embrace the Wisdom of Grieving as a way to Acknowledge, Honor and Strengthen my Alignment with Spirit.”

~ Rev. Drea

To see a video of this Daily Dose of Truth, click here.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

States of Happiness

Namaste and Good Day All!

I have something special to share with you. Today at Living Truth 365 Spiritual Center the speaker for the Journey in Truth service was Dr. Rocco Errico.

Dr. Errico is the preeminent scholar in Aramaic Biblical studies in world. The topic of his lesson was The Beatitudes: States of Happiness.

Not only did Dr. Rocco, as he is affectionately known by his students, break down a couple of the Beatitudes. He also gave us some background on the life and ministry of Jesus from the perspective of the Ancient Near East.

It is always a treat to hear Dr. Rocco Errico speak, and you come out all the richer for it.

To see the entire lesson given by Dr. Rocco Errico, including an introduction by Ms. Jada Harris, please click here.

Yours In Truth,

Rev. Drea